Seager Wheeler's Canola Day to Have Biodiesel Theme

source: Farm and Food Report

The 2005 edition of Canola Day at Seager Wheeler National Historic Farm on July 7th promises to bring all guests up to speed not only in terms of canola production, but also in terms of its potential as biodiesel fuel, according to Farm Manager Brian Weightman.

“Biodiesel is attracting a lot of attention because of its potential as a clean burning alternative fuel, produced from domestic renewable resources. It contains no petroleum, but it can be blended at any level with petroleum diesel to create a biodiesel blend. It can be used in compression-ignition or diesel engines with little or no modifications.”

Biodiesel is simple to use, biodegradable, nontoxic, and essentially free of sulfur and aromatics. It is better for the environment because it is made from renewable resources, and has lower emissions compared to petroleum diesel. It is less toxic than table salt and biodegrades as fast as sugar.

Canola Day will feature a presentation on the topic, as well as a field tour of some of the plots used for research on oil and oil content.

The topics will also include: timing of canola swathing, economic thresholds of diseases in canola, economic threshold of insects in canola, and seeding trends with seeding comparatives of 13 of the latest direct seeding tools.

“We will have industry people on hand to elaborate on these subjects and issues. They will talk about new developments and different maturity requirements of canola varieties, as timing is so crucial to maximizing financial returns on investment, given the current price paid for canola on the world market.”

The host site for Canola Day is a farm that is being restored to its condition of 1919. At this farm, Seager Wheeler grew the grain that won him five different World Wheat Championships between 1911 and 1918. During Canola Day, attendees can visit the restored Seed Cleaning Plant and see the equipment - some of it built by Mr. Wheeler - restored to operating condition, as well as learn about cropping innovation in modern agriculture, including direct seeding.

For more information on Canola Day, call (306) 232-5959.

For more information, contact:

Brian Weightman
Farm Manager
Seager Wheeler Farm National Historic Site
(306) 232-5959
