Source: Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food
Saskatchewan Crop Insurance reminds producers that, under the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program, you can receive compensation for crops damaged by white-tailed and mule deer, antelope, elk, moose, bears, bison, ducks, geese and sandhill cranes.
You do not need to carry Crop Insurance to receive compensation. Crop Insurance administers the wildlife damage program on behalf of the federal and provincial government, meaning there are no costs to you or premiums involved.
Wildlife damage inspections must be made prior to harvest. Producers who have received wildlife damage are asked to contact a Crop Insurance customer service office immediately so that damage can be assessed. Compensation is provided on a spot-loss basis; compensation will be based on the yield-loss of the crop in the damaged area.
As soon as damage is detected in stacked hay, sod farms, tree nurseries, market gardens and bee structures, notify Crop Insurance. You will be compensated for damage to hay stacks if all reasonable prevention measures have been implemented, including those recommended by Saskatchewan Environment. All hay must be stacked to receive compensation; producers will not be compensated for bales or hay swaths left in the field.
Compensation is 80 per cent of the calculated loss. Claim per crop must be a minimum of $100. Payments are made on a spot-loss basis based on the forecast market price and grade at the time of adjustment, reflecting actual harvested quality.
If you are unable to harvest and further damage occurs after inspection, call a Crop Insurance customer service office for a reassessment. The entire damaged portion of the crop must not be harvested prior to inspection, and be standing or in swaths.
If you must combine before an adjuster can inspect the crop, the entire damaged area plus a representative portion of the undamaged crop must be left for inspection. Checkstrips are not acceptable.
If you have not made every effort to complete harvest in a timely fashion, compensation will not be paid. This may include denying any claims where damage occurred after harvest was generally completed in the area.
Complete Wildlife Damage Compensation Program information is available at
For more information, contact:
Shawn Jaques
Crop Insurance