“Fence Lines To Corporate Board Rooms” Conference Coming Up In Saskatoon

Source: Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food

The Farm Animal Council of Saskatchewan Inc. (FACS) will be holding its 14th Annual General Meeting and Conference on December 13 and 14, in Saskatoon, under the theme: “Fence Lines to Corporate Board Rooms,” at the Saskatoon Inn.

This year’s event will put particular emphasis on the approaches to take in the face of the increased media scrutiny of agriculture as an industry, explains FACS Executive Director Adele Buettner.

“Animal welfare continues to be one of the top issues for the livestock industry. How we get our message across effectively will be our focus," says Buettner. "Traditionally, this conference attracts registrants from across Canada and the United States. We are inviting participants to attend Canada’s longest running industry-led farm animal welfare conference, to network and learn about the latest trends in the field.”

The lineup of speakers includes a variety of experts, such as Dr. Terry Whiting of Manitoba Agriculture and Food. His talk is entitled: “Should They Stay or Should They Go?” He will address some common conditions found in livestock operations and the difficulties in making farm-gate decisions.

Mary Ellen Walling, Executive Director of the B.C. Salmon Farmers Association, will provide a Virtual Salmon Farm Tour and address some common misconceptions about the salmon farming industry.

One of the most awaited presentations will be that of Special Agent John Lewis of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the United States, who will deliver an address entitled: “Animal Rights Extremism: Violence, Trends and Challenges, and How to Work Together.”

“John Lewis has been with the FBI for 28 years,” explains Buettner. “He is currently assigned as Deputy Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division at FBI Headquarters in Washington, overseeing the Domestic Terrorism Program. Prior to his current assignment, Mr. Lewis was posted in the field at numerous American locations and at FBI Headquarters. His presentation will address the current state of the eco-terrorism crime challenge in the United States, and efforts to address this issue.”

Other presenters will include Norm Luba, Executive Director of the North American Equine Ranching Information Council, from Louisville, Kentucky; Leslie Ballentine, of Ballentine Communications in Toronto; Dave Biesenthal, a beef producer from Walkerton, Ontario; and Lisa Bishop from Chicken Farmers of Canada, in Ottawa.

The annual general meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13, at 7:00 p.m., and the conference will take place on Wednesday, December 14: Registration begins at 7:45 a.m.

Early bird conference registration is $125.00 (including GST) for those who register by December 7, and $65.00 (including GST) for students. Registration includes both breakfast and lunch.

Access to the annual general meeting is complimentary to those who pre-register.

For more information, or to register, contact the FACS office by phone at (306) 249-3227; by fax at (306) 244-4497; or by e-mail at facs@sasktel.net.

The Farm Animal Council of Saskatchewan Inc. is a membership-based, non-profit organization that represents the livestock industry in advancing responsible animal welfare, care and handling practices in agriculture.

For more information, contact:

Adele Buettner
Executive Director
Farm Animal Council of Saskatchewan
(306) 249-3227 or 222-7601
