A precious remnant of a once huge natural area extending across the Great Plains region harbours Hidden Valley Nature Refuge near Regina.
This beautiful 'box' canyon located on the north-facing slope of the Qu'Appelle Valley is a small treasure of biodiversity. 'Hidden Valley' encompasses 320 acres of land that has been in the care of the Regina Natural History Society for almost half a century. It is one of the few remaining oasis of natural prairie on the Regina Plain. Wildflowers can be sighted in succession throughout the growing season. This site is famous for the spectacular explosion of the blooming prairie crocuses in the spring.
The valley has been sculptured by the erosional forces of ancient glaciers into such topographical features as 'hogs backs', so typical of the Qu'Appelle. The slopes display a variety of plant communities that take breathtaking colors in the Fall. Above, soaring hawks and eagles are frequently sighted, while at ground level an assortment of grassland songbirds and brush dwellers manifest themselves on a regular basis.
It is not uncommon to hear the ruffed grouse thumping its wings on its breast in the spring to attract a mate. Our provincial bird, the sharp-tailed grouse has been known to use the area regularly as a dancing ground. As the day wears on, one may even encounter a snowshoe hare or a deer.