Insurance Options for Fall-Seeded Crops

Source: Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food

Producers with acres left unseeded this spring due to excess moisture may be considering seeding a winter cereal crop this autumn. For those who want to manage the risk of fall-seeded acres, Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation provides winterkill, spring establishment and yield-loss coverage on fall rye and winter wheat.

Winterkill coverage is a separate coverage option. Producers have until August 25 to select winterkill insurance for fall rye and winter wheat crops seeded on or before September 15. The premium for this option will appear on their Statement of Insurance in 2007.

"Optimum seeding dates are between the last week of August and the first week of September, depending on your area," said Saskatchewan Crop Insurance agrologist Chris Stewart. "Seeding typically extends over a month, from mid-August to mid-September."

He added, "Crop Insurance recognizes that the winter cereal manual indicates the ideal seeding date for winter cereals is between August 27 and September 6. However, our policy allows producers to seed until September 15 in the event of less-than-ideal conditions."

Winterkill coverage on winter wheat is available in southwestern risk zones three, four and 10, and in northeastern RMs 394, 395, 426, 456 and 486, if seeded into stubble, summerfallow or chemfallow.

Coverage is available outside these areas if seeded into undisturbed standing stubble or chemfallow, but only if there is sufficient stubble (minimum of six inches or 15 centimetres) to trap enough snow to insulate the crop.

"Six inches of stubble is a requirement of coverage outside those designated areas," said Stewart. "It's necessary to help keep the crown of the plant at a survivable temperature throughout the winter."

Acres that do not qualify for winterkill coverage, or that were not selected for winterkill coverage by the deadline, may still be eligible for yield-loss coverage in 2007 if they establish in the spring. Crops seeded in the fall of 2006 and insured against yield-loss by March 31, 2007 will be covered for spring-related establishment losses. Those acres will be inspected to determine if they qualify for the establishment payment of $20 per acre.

Producers with any questions about insuring fall-seeded crops should contact their customer service office or call 1-888-935-0000.

For more information, contact:

Chris Stewart, Agricultural Specialist
Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation
Phone: (306) 728-7284
