Heritage workshop for francophones in Edmonton

Great Excursions’ Claude-Jean Harel will deliver a heritage workshop in Edmonton on Saturday April 18, 2009.

The session titled “Miser Sur Son Patrimoine” (tapping into one’s heritage) is intended for Alberta cultural tourism and heritage stakeholders seeking to develop stewardship initiatives that have the potential to contribute to the cultural industries, including tourism.

The all-day session in French will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Egge’s Barn, Fort Edmonton Park (Fox Drive & Whitemud Drive) in Edmonton).

Participants may register online.

Some financial assistance is available for distant participants.

For more information, call:

Isabelle Laurin, directrice des communications
Phone. : (780) 466-1680, extension 222
Cell. : (780) 904-5700
