Looking for professional rafting guides in Newfoundland

A quick note to let you know about this request from a Newfoundland operation that we received this morning. Pretty straight forward. Feel free to reply directly to them:


My name is Jason, I'm the manager of Rafting Newfoundland.  Not sure if you're familiar with our operation, but we run rafting trips down Exploits River in Central Newfoundland, Canada.  The portion we run features class three rapids.

We are in the process of hiring for our 2011 season, and we would appreciate it very much if you would consider us for students and alumni of your rafting program that are qualified but you are unable to provide a job for.

We're planning to hire four guides in total (we already have one confirmed), but we may only have full time work for 3.75 guides.  It would be ideal to have three exceptionally qualified guides, and one eager and promising beginner that is seeking time on the river and will be happy even with slightly less work than the other guides.

We run a short 12 week season (we operate from mid-May to early Oct, but are only really busy from mid-June to mid-Sep), but pay fair to compensate.  Guides can expect between $6,000 - $7,500 (Canadian Dollars) for the 12 weeks including bonuses.  We start at $110/trip through the peak season, and offer bonuses throughout the season.   We offer our guides free accommodation in riverfront cabins.

Please feel free to forward students to our website, www.RaftingNewfoundland.com, or they can contact me for a full job description.

Thanks in advance for your consideration.

All the best,

Jason Nault
Administration, Marketing & Web Design
Riverfront Chalets & Rafting Newfoundland
P.O. Box 661, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL
Canada  A2A 2K2
Reservations: 709-486-0892
Office: 719-387-0866
Cell: 709-293-3690
