Indian Head Elevator/Tea House Closed - Loss or Opportunity?

I stopped by the Indian Head Elevator Tea House and Crafts business located just off Highway #1 recently and discovered that the place had closed. I hadn't been for a few years. I remember it being such a cool spot to stop for some homemade food. What is special about the building is that this is a converted elevator dating back to the early days of the Agriculture Canada Experimental Farm. I was moved to its current location and did thriving business for some time. It may not look like an elevator from the outside, but the dining room area is fascinating because the access doors to the grain bins were still visible and the original wood work decor made the establishment rather quaint.

There are For Sale signs posted in the windows, along with a sign announcing that it is closed for renovations. Perhaps, there is an opportunity there for an entrepreneur? Time may be of the essence as Indian Head is embarking on a very promising Main Street program that will surely help harness the community's potential as a tourism destination over the next two years. More on this in later posts.
