Difficult to ignore a tradition with such deep roots. Harness racing is a big deal on PEI. Everyone has a relative or friend who is in one way or another associated with the industry.
While few trainers manage to earn a full-time living through harness racing, but it is something horse owners, trainers, grooms and drivers are willing to support, because it is part of who they are.
They have a top notch facility at Red Shores, including some rather significant built heritage works.
But it takes more than tradition to build dreams. Red Shores claims to be the first state-of-the-art entertainment facility in Atlantic Canada which combines Harness Racing, Dining and Gaming all under one roof.
Well, there is a lot of truth that claim: excellent food, great live entertainment and off the track -- the budding cruise ship capacity in town is no stranger to the high dreams of success that are rather contagious around here.
Kudos to Charlottetown and to those business leaders in the city who have figured out that authenticity of experience is what every success is made of in tourism.