The Forks in Winnipeg - Manitoba, Canada

There is no doubt in my mind that Winnipeg has much to offer visitors seeking authenticity. This city at the fork of the Assiniboine and Red Rivers played a historic role in opening up what used to me called Rupert's Land, from the days of the fur trade to those of railway development, prairie settlement and commerce. What I particularly like about Winnipeg is the way the local tourism industry harnesses that authentic character and renders into themes suitable for business meetings and events. The way Winnipeg events themselves seem inspired by local culture and natural history -- essentially Winnipeg's Sense of place -- ensure that Èfeu sacré" is there"

My personal favourite is the Festival du Voyageur organized each winter by Saint-Boniface's francophone community. A vivid two-week party where music, dance, celebration of traditions through traditional skills give a special flavour to the entire city of Winnipeg during that window. February is the month!
